Gas Giants
Gas Giants
Der Untergeher (The Loser) - Thomas Bernhard

Der Untergeher (The Loser) - Thomas Bernhard

Tom and Gav examine Bernhard's masterpiece from 1983 and attempt to discern its message in terms of mental health, dealing with fame and how artistic endeavor gets turned into a business.

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The Power of Music, c.1918 - c.1920 - Oskar Kokoschka

Oskar Kokoschka - The Power of Music (1918/20)

Thomas Bernhard

A Scrupulous Fidelity, On Thomas Bernhard’s The Loser – The Brooklyn Rail

A short extract from a staged version of the novel.

Thomas Bernhard as a patient, described by his half-brother.

Losers, fuck-ups and vampires

You know the types…

The Glenn Gould less Travelled….

Gould as a cultural critic…

Gould and Liberace - The Music Show - ABC Radio National

Gould and his Nemesis…..

Gould as a Sound Artist…there’s a version of this with images as well.

…and finally, Gould slips into another persona the better to take on Mozart.

Speaking of which…

…and the one more traveled.

Owning Der Untergeher.

  • In German Der Untergeher. Buch von Thomas Bernhard (Suhrkamp Verlag)

  • In English The Loser - Thomas Bernhard Reissues - Books | Faber & Faber

  • Em Portuguese O NÁUFRAGO - - Grupo Companhia das Letras


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Gas Giants
Gas Giants
All of culture explained by two fat old men, one artifact at a time. Gav and Tom gas about music, movies, TV, books and their creators attempting to understand what they mean about everything else in the world. New episodes every other week Fridays.